The Ultimate Guide on How to Decorate a Living Room with Tile Floors

The Ultimate Guide on How to Decorate a Living Room with Tile Floors

Tile floors are a popular choice in many homes, particularly in the living room, due to their unique blend of style and functionality. Knowing how to decorate a living room with tile floors can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your space while offering a myriad of benefits. Tiles come in a plethora of designs, patterns, and colors, offering great versatility to match any decor style. They are durable and easy to clean, making them an ideal choice for areas with high foot traffic such as the living room. Moreover, tile floors can add value to your property, providing an elegant touch that potential buyers often appreciate. In this guide, you will discover how to maximize these benefits as we explore how to decorate a living room with tile floors.

How to Decorate a Living Room with Tile Floors

Living Room with Tile Floors

Choosing the Right Tile Color

Choosing the right tile color is essential when decorating a living room with tile floors. The tiles should complement the overall color scheme of your living room to create a cohesive look. Consider the existing wall paint, furniture, and decor accents when selecting a tile color. A safe option would be to match your tiles with one of the dominant colors in the room. Alternatively, you can choose a contrasting color to add drama and visual interest to your living room. Just be mindful that bold tile colors may require more frequent updates if you plan on regularly changing your living room decor.

Selecting the Right Tile Size

The size of the tiles is another crucial factor to consider when decorating a living room with tile floors. Smaller tiles are better suited for smaller living rooms, as they can make the space feel more spacious and cozy. Larger tiles work well in larger living rooms, creating a seamless look with fewer grout lines. Additionally, larger tiles are easier to clean and require less maintenance compared to smaller ones.

Adding Patterns

Incorporating patterns into your tile floor design can add visual interest and personality to your living room. However, it’s essential not to go overboard with patterns, as too many can create a busy and overwhelming look. Consider using patterned tiles sparingly as accents or in specific areas, such as a statement rug or a feature wall.

Complementing with Furniture

When decorating a living room with tile floors, it’s crucial to consider how your furniture will complement the tile design. For instance, if you have a bold and colorful tile floor, opt for neutral-colored furniture to balance out the space. On the other hand, if your tiles are more subtle and understated, you can incorporate bolder furniture pieces to add dimension and contrast. It’s essential to find a balance between your tile design and furniture for a cohesive and visually appealing look.

Coordinating with Walls

The tile floor in your living room should also complement the walls, as they are significant elements in the overall design of the space. If you have patterned or colorful tiles, choose a neutral wall color to avoid overwhelming the space. On the other hand, if your tiles are more neutral, you can add interest to the walls with a bold paint color or wallpaper. It’s crucial to consider how the tile and wall colors will work together to create a cohesive and balanced design.

Layering with Rugs

Layering with Rugs

Another way to enhance your living room with tile floors is by layering rugs on top. This not only adds warmth and texture to the space but also allows you to incorporate different patterns and colors into the design. When layering rugs, make sure that they are appropriately sized for the seating area and that they complement the tile design underneath. You can also use rugs to delineate different areas in the room, such as a sitting area or a dining space.

Adding Plants and Natural Elements

Living rooms with tile floors can sometimes feel cold and sterile, but this can easily be countered by incorporating plants and other natural elements into the design. Not only do plants add life and color to the space, but they also help to soften the hard lines of tile floors. You can place potted plants on shelves or use hanging planters to add height and dimension to the room. Additionally, incorporating natural textures like woven baskets or wooden decor can further enhance the warmth and coziness of your living room.


Proper lighting can make a significant difference in the overall ambiance of a living room with tile floors. To avoid harsh and unflattering light, opt for warm and soft lighting options such as table lamps, floor lamps, or string lights. These types of lighting fixtures not only add warmth to the space but also create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. If you do have overhead lighting in your living room, consider adding a dimmer switch to control the brightness and create a more relaxed ambiance when needed.

Personal Touches

Personal Touches - Living Room with Tile Floors

To truly make your living room with tile floors feel like a warm and welcoming space, don’t forget to add personal touches that reflect your unique style and personality. This can be in the form of artwork, photographs, or sentimental decor pieces. These personal touches not only add character to the room but also serve as great conversation starters for guests. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles and textures to create a one-of-a-kind space that truly feels like home.


Finally, it’s important to consider the maintenance and upkeep of your living room with tile floors. While tiles are relatively easy to clean, they can be prone to staining and require regular sweeping and mopping. To prevent any damage or discoloration, make sure to wipe up spills immediately and use appropriate cleaning products for your specific type of tile. Additionally, consider using area rugs or furniture pads to protect the floors from scratches and wear. By staying on top of maintenance, you can ensure that your living room with tile floors remains a warm and inviting space for years to come.


In conclusion, living rooms with tile floors can be just as cozy and inviting as any other type of flooring. By incorporating warm colors, soft lighting, and personal touches, you can create a space that feels both stylish and comfortable. And by staying on top of maintenance, your living room will continue to feel like a welcoming haven for you and your guests. So go ahead, embrace the versatility and durability of tile floors for your living room and make it a space that you truly love. So next time you’re considering flooring options for your living room, don’t overlook the beauty and functionality of tile floors. With these tips in mind, you can create a warm and inviting space that reflects your personal style and stands the test of time.


Can I use tile floors in my living room if I have pets or small children?

Yes, tile floors can be a great option for households with pets or small children. They are durable and easy to clean, making them ideal for high-traffic areas.

Won’t tile floors make my living room feel cold and uninviting?

Not at all! With the right décor and design choices, you can create a warm and cozy atmosphere in your living room with tile floors. Plus, they offer the added benefit of being cool in the summer months.

Do I need to use specific cleaning products for my tile floors?

Yes, it’s important to use appropriate cleaning products for your specific type of tile to avoid damage or discoloration. Consult with a professional or do research to determine the best cleaning products for your specific tile floors. So don’t let concerns about maintenance deter you from choosing tile floors for your living room – with proper care, they can last for years and maintain their beauty.

Can I incorporate area rugs or carpet on top of my tile floors?

Absolutely! Area rugs and carpet can add warmth, texture, and visual interest to your living room while still showcasing the beauty of your tile floors. Just make sure to use non-slip pads or adhesive tape to keep them in place.

Are there different types of tile that I can choose from for my living room?

Yes, there are various types of tiles available for living room flooring including ceramic, porcelain, natural stone, and even wood-look tiles. Each type has its own unique qualities and benefits, so it’s important to research and consider what would work best for your specific needs and preferences.

Can I install tile floors myself?

Can I install tile floors myself

While some people may choose to do a DIY installation of tile floors in their living room, it is recommended to hire a professional for the best results. Tile installation requires specific tools, techniques, and skills to ensure proper placement and longevity of the floors. It’s also important to properly prepare the subfloor before installing tiles to avoid any issues in the future.

Are there any eco-friendly options for tile flooring?

Yes, there are eco-friendly options for tile flooring such as recycled ceramic or porcelain tiles, as well as natural stone options like cork or bamboo. These options are not only environmentally friendly, but they also add unique and stylish elements to your living room.

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